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Jacqueline Hamline – Grad 2006
When and for how long did you play with the Ravens/RGIH? I believe I started playing for RGIH when I was 9 years old and played until I was about 23 due to injuries. I do not remember what division I started in as girls hockey in Richmond was a new thing. Why did you…
Claire Bath (Bouwers) – Grad 2005
When and for how long did you play with the Ravens/RGIH? I started playing with RGIH when I was 9 in 1996. It was called RGIH Initiation, but I believe the level of hockey was Atom. I stopped playing ice hockey after I graduated from high school in 2005. I played midget rep in grade…
Carly Millman – Grad 2004
When and for how long did you play with the Ravens/RGIH? I started playing for RGIH in its very first year. It was just a Sunday afternoon learn-to-play hockey skate with all ages. The following year, they created actual teams and divisions. I was in Peewee, then went straight to Midget, Juvenile, and the South…
Fiona Keating (Liem) – Grad 2003
When and for how long did you play with the Ravens/RGIH? I started in 1998 when I was 13 years old. There were only 2 teams – Peewee and Midget. Since I was new, even though I should have been in Midget, I asked to play Peewee. What an age and talent spread. Kaleigh Fratkin…
Casey Rumley (Rodusek) – Grad 2002
When and for how long did you play with the Ravens/RGIH? I didn’t have a chance to play with RGIH for very long, as I think I only played my 3 Midget years there since I moved here from out of the country. But it’s quality over quantity, and those were the best 3 years…
Jana Mathers – Grad 2000
When and for how long did you play with the Ravens/RGIH? I started playing hockey in grade 9 and joined the Midget A team for RGIH. At the time, there were three teams: two midget divisions, A and AA, which included grades 8-12, and a pee wee/novice team for younger players. I continued with RGIH…
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Richmond Ravens Female Hockey Association
Since 1994, we've empowered women and girls in Richmond, BC through hockey. Committed to athletic excellence, teamwork, and personal growth, we provide a supportive and inclusive environment. Join us in building strong female leaders and inspiring the next generation of hockey champions.
The Richmond Ravens Organization gather and play on the traditional and unceded territory of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking peoples; good stewards of this land for countless generations. May all of us who call Richmond our home, learn, grow, and work with the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking people for the good of the land and for all people in this community
We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.
Contact Us
Richmond Ravens Female Hockey Association
Box 164,
185-9040 Blundell Rd,
Richmond, BC
V6Y 1K3